I’ve seen my dogs do some pretty extreme things to get to food.

Even though they have plenty to eat at their meals throughout the day, my two pups would never turn down a snack. I’ve seen them crawl into tight places, jump as high as they can, sniff through garbage, and do plenty of other unsavory things for food.

As it turns out, my dogs aren’t the only ones.

Even elephants will do just about anything to grab a snack.

In the video below, one elephant seems to smell some food in the bed of a pickup truck on the road. Even though the bed of the truck is covered up, the elephant is determined to get his snack on.

He has to do a little maneuvering to get to the food, but elephants are pretty strong. Honestly, I don’t think anything could have stood in the way of this elephant and his snack. I wish I had as much determination!

Elephants have long been my favorite animal. I find them beautiful and majestic and totally awe-inspiring — but I would run for my life if I ever saw something like this happening.